APRIL 5, 2021 -- Egyptian Board of REALTORS® donated $5,000 help fund the new dog park coming to Carbondale this summer.
The funds, which came from a $4,500 National Association of REALTORS® grant and a $500 donation from EBOR, will be used for frost-free drinking fountains for dogs. The fountains will be delivered in the next few weeks and will be installed later this summer.
The fountain for large dogs is an all-in-one dog wash shower and fountain, which features a leash hook to help prevent escapes, and will allow 30-60 seconds of water flow for the dog to quench its thirst. The fountain for small dogs will feature an turn-on valve that can be activated by a foot and allow water to run for will run for 30 to 60 seconds.
The park will also feature:
- Perimeter fence
- Double -entry Gates
- Separate Small Dog and Large Dog Areas
- Benches
- Shade Structures
- Multiple Waste Disposal Stations
- Ample Parking
The park will be located on two and a half acres within Parrish Park, making it one of the largest in the region.
“We wanted it big enough so you could throw a ball down to the other end,” Marty Merrill, Friends of Carbondale Design Committee member said.
The Park will be available to the public and will be ADA friendly. In the future, the Friends of Carbondale Dog Parks plans to add stadium seating, so even those who are not dog owners can enjoy the park too.
“It is a really nice addition to Carbondale,” EBOR Board of Director member Linda Holt said, complimenting the organization and their hard work.
The park will enhance Carbondale’s attraction as a regional destination. According to Merrill, locations of a dog park is one of the questions many REALTORS® get from clients looking to relocate to Carbondale.
Friends of Carbondale Dog Parks representatives want everyone to know it is coming soon. This project has been in the works since 2016 and is scheduled to be open in the Summer of 2021.
For more information about the Carbondale Dog Park visit cdaledogparks.org.