Deb Thoman & Kim Daugherty are back to teach EBOR’s Continuing Education Courses on Feb. 27 & 28th.
We will be offering 4 courses:
- Mandatory CORE 1906 – 4 hours of Core CE
- Elective RD 982 – 2 hours of Elective CE
- RD 910 – Cybercrime & Human Behavior – 3 hours of Elective CE
- APP 502 – Price, Value & Appraising – 3 hours of Elective CE
All classes will be held at the Herrin Civic Center and lunch will be included.
Registration is now open for all four classes. Register on the EBOR portal accessed through the RMLS Dashboard https://rmlsa.clareity.net/ Classes can be found on the “Calendar” under the “Events” tab or under “Upcoming Classes” under the “Events” tab.
To pay for multiple classes at once:
- Select Class
- Hit the Register button
- Hit Add to Cart button

- Go back to Events tab to find other class
- Following the first 3 steps above
- Once you have completed registering for all classes, click “Checkout” proceed with credit/debit card payment.

If you want to pay via check, do not click “Checkout”. Leave all courses in your “Shopping Cart,” exit portal, mail check to EBOR Office.