MARION, IL – The Egyptian Board of REALTORS® along with the Illinois REALTORS® Relief Foundation (IRRF) announced $15,000 in assistance for families in Alexander County which were affected by record spring flooding.
IRRF is the disaster assistance foundation established by Illinois REALTORS®. It works with local associations such as the Egyptian Board of REALTORS® to make sure money is allocated to those living in hard-hit communities.
“REALTORS® work in communities throughout Alexander County, and when we see a need, we want to make sure we do what we can to assist,” said Egyptian Board of REALTOR® President Cynthia Bevis. “Our mission is to help people thrive in communities they love, and standing by our neighbors in good times and bad is what we do.”
The money will be allocated to go straight to families and homeowners directly impacted by the flood.
“This was completely unexpected…There’s a lot of our residents that don’t know where to turn and then a blessing like this comes along it kind of gives you faith in humanity,” Becky Glodo, a Alexander County flood victim said. The assistance is based on completion of an application. The application and eligibility requirements for aid can be obtained at www.IllinoisRealtors.org/irrf.