A Harrisburg-area real estate company earned the EBOR Good Neighbor Award for its collection of food items in EBOR’s Stock the Pantry Good Neighbor Award Challenge.
The challenge was held in conjunction with NAR Volunteer Days. EBOR challenged members to form teams, partner with local food banks and collect most non-perishable food items for the food pantry of their choice for a chance to be named EBOR’s Good Neighbor.
Twenty-seven brokerages accepted the challenge. Brokerages collected anywhere from 120 to over 1,200 items, donating their collections to pantries across Southern Illinois.
The winning brokerage, All in One Real Estate, under the team name, All in One Souper Heroes, collected 1282 items for 4 C’s in Harrisburg. The EBOR Good Neighbor Award was presented to the team at EBOR’s General Membership Meeting on July 6, 2023.
EBOR plans to hold the challenge in the years to come to help area foodbanks.