Category: General Information

EBOR AE earns RCE Designation

Egyptian Board of REALTORS® Association Executive, Charay Palmer earned the REALTOR® Association Certified Executive Designation on Friday, November 6, 2020. RCE is the only designation created specifically for REALTOR® association executives. It exemplifies goal-oriented AEs with drive, experience, and commitment to professional growth. Palmer will be recognized at the RCE Read More

EBOR Donates to Murphysboro Revitalization Project

Egyptian Board of REALTORS® presented a $5,500 check to Jackson Growth Alliance on September 30, 2020 for the Murphysboro Revitalization Project. According to EBOR Government Affairs Director, Ron Deedrick, Murphysboro is working to develop a bungalow district and enhance the downtown area. Egyptian Board of REALTORS® received a $5,000 Smart Read More

Coronavirus Advocacy FAQs: RE Transactions, Independent Contractors, NAR Grants

NAR’s Federal Advocacy team has been working closely with Congress and the Administration to ensure the interests of REALTORS® and their clients are protected in any federal action in response to COVID-19, in addition to minimizing transaction disruptions during these very difficult circumstances. As the actions out of Washington evolve Read More

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act

Congress passed a $2 trillion COVID-19 economic relief package on March 27, 2020 with overwhelming bipartisan support. As more guidance is released by the Administration on how these new programs will be implemented, updates will be provided. Housing Provides For: Mortgage Forbearance – Borrowers of government-backed mortgages ((Fannie Mae, Freddie Read More