Over 50 REALTOR® members attended Ed/Tech Day & Expo at John A. Logan College last Thursday.
The event kicked off with Sara Fosse speaking about Cyber Security, followed by an Instanet TransactionDesk training session lead by Ed/Tech Committee Member Leah McWilliams. Chief of Water Resources for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Paul Osman provided an entertaining and educational session about flood plains and flood insurance. The event wrapped up a REALTOR® Safety Course taught by Kathy Whitfield.
Throughout the day attendees networked with nearly 20 vendors at the Expo, where they received giveaways and signed up to win gift baskets.
During the event six members walked away with $100 in Ed/Tech Bucks to use towards continuing education or designation courses and Brenda Hilliard won a voucher for EBOR Dues, a $630 value.
Ed/Tech Day is held each year in September.